Old Town Utility Corridor (12kV)
Project Value: $5 Million
Install new 12 kV ductbank and utility corridor for future development. Relocate utilities including main gas line and main compressed air line. Reroute and install new storm drain line.
- Demolition
- New Retaining Wall Construction
- Underground Utilities
- Site Restoration
- Grading
- Paving
- Masonry
- Mechanical Piping
Existing underground utilities locations and the existing main gas line were not shown in design drawings. Compressed air line cut-over and relocation had not been studied and designed based on the limitations of research buildings and other laboratories during the design process. Most of the underground utilities were an unforeseen obstruction during the construction. The project next to the Advance Light Source building could not disturb research by producing any vibration in the vicinity.
We redesigned the main gas line and compressed air line relocation to comply with the research and laboratory operations. Because of the Advance Light Source vibration restriction, we completed excavation with nomadic hammer and demolition of the reinforced concrete structure with a concrete processor as a precaution when moving the heavy equipment. We also coordinated with the client to use a jackhammer for demolition/excavation, jumper jack and vibratory roller for backfilling and paving during the ALS maintenance shutdown window.
Project Success
Provided safe and efficient service to a facility that has very unique needs so its research could continue uninterrupted.