
LBNL CMLC Water Line Replacement

LBNL CMLC Water Line Replacement 


Project Value: $5 Million


LBNL is a multi-program scientific research campus operated by the University of California for the United States Department of Energy (DOE). It is located on a 202-acre parcel of land in Alameda County, California. LBNL introduced multi-infrastructure improvement projects in 2020. 

LBNL was seeking for a general contractor or civil contractor to provide site civil underground piping services for the Cement Mortar Lined and Coated (CMLC) Water Line Replacement Project. The project was a collaborative effort between the contractor, engineer of record (GHD), and LBNL. The project consisted of replacing 3,200 feet of old CMLC piping with either ductile iron below grade or steel above grade across the LBNL site. 

The schedule was fast-tracked to be able to minimize the impact on the overall campus traffic and laboratories and researchers.


  • Traffic Controls 
  • Excavation 
  • Furnish and install new domestic/fire water lines. 
  • Hydrotest, flush and disinfect new install line per Engineering DWG, Owner Spec and NFPA standard. 
  • Cut over and replace existing water distribution system with new. 
  • Backfill and restore site. 
  • Stockpile material, transfer and dispose excess material. 

Project Highlights

  • Excavation utilizing hand-tools and a vacuum truck. 
  • Stockpile and dispose excess material. 
  • Replace existing CMLC domestic/fire water lines with Ductile-Iron-Pipe without interrupting existing feeds to buildings/facilities/arteries. 
  • Replaced more than 3,200 feet of water line in various sizes 


  • COVID-19 Pandemic 
  • Working around live utilities such as 12kV duct bank, Gas line, Sanitary Sewer, and waterline. 
  • Lead time to procure Piping material due to the pandemic. 
  • Unforeseen obstruction; existing and live utilities.
  • Building and Laboratories schedule, access, and vibration restrictions. 


To solve these challenges, it was important to; pre-plan, communicate with the client, supplier and subcontractor, monitor the schedule and budget, and provide solutions to the client for any issues encountered. 

Project Success

The project was successfully completed with no reported injuries during the 15,849 man-hours worked. The project was finished within the assigned budget ahead of schedule. 


LSFO Crude Flexibility Project

LSFO Crude Flexibility Project 


Project Value: $900,000 


With an opportunity to increase efficiency and profits, Goebel Construction was tasked by Chevron with the 30 LSFO Crude Flexibility Project. With the new LSFO line, a wider range of products could be moved efficiently to different Locations. 


  • Earth Moving 
  • Hydrotesting 
  • Demo of Pipes & Supports 
  • Piping Prefabrication 
  • Pipe Support 
  • Masonry 
  • Hot Taps 
  • Mechanical Pipe Install 

Project Highlights

  • All excavation completed by hand 
  • 76 total welds 
  • Foreman forecasted manpower needs to help control project costs 
  • Pipe prefabrication reduced the number of field welds thus reducing costs 
  • Coordinated line outages to complete welding of three 12” Hot taps 


  • The project required excavation through bedrock material. 
  • The site did not allow access to heavy equipment. 
  • Hot taps located in areas with limited accessibility require coordinating with multiple contractors. 


In collaboration with operations management, we were able to generate a new piping and structural support route. The planned route to different locations would open the flexibility of their crude system. The field isometrics gathered during field walks were used by engineering in the final work construction package. 

Project Success

Goebel Construction completed the project under budget and a total of 3,850 safely worked man hours. Ensured the project was completed before the end of the year so allocated funding could be utilized. The success and information gathered from the LSFO project led to the wharf capabilities project. 

Crafts Supported

  • Pipefitters
  • Carpenters 
  • Laborers

Long Wharf Sanitary Sewer Crane

Long Wharf Sanitary Sewer Replacement

Long Wharf Sanitary Sewer Replacement 


Project Value: $4.6 Million


The existing sewer system was at the end of service (EOS). Requested by client, Chevron, to develop and execute a replacement plan. 


  •  Demolish the existing 7500LF carbon steel piping system which included:
      • Complete system flush with fresh water
      • Insolation, drain down, and blinding
      • Saw cut and removal of piping
  • Installation of 3 new septic tanks and pumps which included:
      • Vendor fabrication
      • Pre-engineered support system
  • Fabrication and installation of a new 7500LF carbon steel piping system which included:
      • 1000+ welds that required 100% NDE
      • 75+ tie-ins into the existing facilities
      • 75+ suspended work platforms
      • Hand rigging
      • Crane and rigging
      • Structural steel modifications and installation
  • Provided all QAQC which includes:
      • Welder Qualification
      • Material MTR’s
      • 100% NDE
      • Weld mapping
      • Strength test of all piping systems
      • Flange torque and reports
      • As-built drawings 
  • Provide all management, field supervision, labor, equipment, and materials.

Project Highlights

  • Construction was completed without one environmental incident. 
  • Client requested and relied on GCI’s construction and engineering capabilities to successfully complete this project. 

Challenges & Solutions

  • Entire project was over water. Nothing in our construction process could enter the bay. 
      • GCI developed and executed a site-specific plan to meet this requirement. 
      • Plan was executed 100% successfully. 
  • All flanged connections required double containment. 
      • GCI developed the containment system. 
      • System showed a project cost saving of $250,000 
  • Three new septic tanks/pumps were required for this project. 
      • GCI developed the installation location and pre-engineered support system. 
  • Work had to be planned and completed in conjunction with a fully operational wharf with heavy ship traffic.

Project Success

Logistically difficult project that was completed on time without any disruptions to product deliveries or environment. 

RLOP crane

RLOP Turnaround

RLOP Turnaround 



During the 4th Quarter of 2022, Goebel Construction executed a Turnaround Event on Chevron’s Richmond’s Lube Oil Plant (RLOP) unit. Considered a Major Turnaround Event by the client, they entrusted Goebel to provide numerous services including mechanical piping, civil construction, and labor support. 

Crafts Supported

  • Pipefitters 
  • Laborers 
  • QC Technician 
  • Operators

Services Performed

  • Pipe Replacement 
  • Temporary Piping 
  • Foundation Anchor Bolt Replacement
  • Sour Water Piping Replacement
  • Pipe Repair 
  • Grouting of Column and Flare Bases
  • Valve Changes 
  • Relief Blowdown Piping 
  • Pipe Detailing 
  • Safety Attendants 
  • PRD Replacement 
  • Pipe Prefabrication 
  • Labor Ground Support 
  • Condensate Pipe Replacement 
  • Paving 
  • Earthmoving 

FCC Project

FCC Turnaround Project

FCC Turnaround Project



During the 4th Quarter of 2020, Goebel Construction executed a Turnaround Event on Chevron’s Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit. Considered a Major Turnaround Event by the client, they entrusted Goebel to provide numerous services including mechanical piping, civil construction, and labor support. 

Project Highlights

  • Started and completed during the height of the pandemic
  • Pre-turnaround activities: 50,000 hrs. 
  • Turnaround man-hours, during execution (60-day duration): 100,000 hrs. 
  • Total man-hours: 150,000 
  • 465 weld count
  • 706 bolt ups
  • 7,000 tons earth moved
  • 0 recordable injuries
  • Project came in under budget and ahead of schedule 


  • Detailing and prefabrication of process piping spools 
  • Temporary piping installation and removal 
  • Isolation and blinding of unit 
  • Piping removal and replacement 
  • Valve changes 
  • PRD replacement 
  • Flare piping removal and re-installation 
  • Cooling tower cleanup
  • Import and removal of 3,500 tons of fill for temporary crane pad construction 
  • Anchor bolt and foundation replacement 
  • Grout column and flare bases 
  • Structural steel installation and repair 
  • Labor ground support 
  • Safety attendants (fire watch/hole watch)

Crafts Supported

  • Pipefitters
  • Laborers
  • Operators
  • Iron Workers

Substation Infrastructure

Substation Infrastructure


Project Value: $3 Million


Site work and foundations for new substation and electrical distribution infrastructure. Included Installation of power poles and conduit to support construction of new substation.

  • Earth Moving
  • Grading
  • Paving
  • Underground
  • Masonry
  • Mechanical Piping


Substation site was in an inaccessible hillside behind a main active refinery pipeway.


We constructed temporary access over the pipeway for mass excavation and construction of a 35-foot tie-back wall and secondary wall. Because of the topography and site access, we excavated and sloped the entire slope, constructed the wall to full height, drilled tiebacks then installed and tensioned through the new wall in concert with the wall backfill. We removed the old pipeway for access and constructed a new pipeway above and around the substation — completing the piping tie-ins without disrupting refinery operations. 

Multiple power pole foundations of differing designs for the main feeder were constructed for the 115Kv feeder lines into the substation, some up to 10 feet in diameter and more than 40 feet deep and others being large pile-supported concrete foundations with 15 to 20 piles each. We constructed all underground duct banks as well as the elevated substation foundation and associated structural steel. New distribution pole foundations were constructed, again with some being large deep drilled piers and other being pile-supported hollow concrete poles.

Project Success

Provided constructibility for routing of new pipeway, allowing us to successfully transition into construction of the actual substation. 

Quarry Firewater

Quarry Firewater


Project Value: $5 Million


Tank Site Work which included removal of 300,000 cubic yards of hillside, processing of removed material and re-installation of processed material to facilitate new quarry firewater tank.

  • Earth Moving
  • Grading
  • Paving
  • Underground
  • Masonry
  • Mechanical Piping


The client had selected a location for the new firewater tank to maintain proper pressures to the refinery firewater system without the addition of pumps. Engineering asked us for constructibility of new foundation and execution.


While the original design showed removing hillside and importing new structural fill material from local quarries for the foundation, we processed the existing removed material for uses as the structural fill.

Project Success

Our innovative approach resulted in a client cost savings of $2 million.




Project Value: $4 Million


Expand plant to receive and process EBMUD reverse osmosis water.


We needed to install 3,500LF of 316 stainless steel pipe from EBMUD to Chevron’s treatment facility. This work included site excavation and grading, concrete foundations, installation of pumps and filter, pipe racks and critical tie-ins during the plant shutdown.


Before construction began, we noticed the project was designed with a standard sewer system. We helped redesign and construct a sewer system that met process refinery requirements.

Project Success

We completed the project on time, under budget and 100% injury-free. Plants were able to receive, treat and use most all of the Richmond plant outfall waste, which reduced or eliminated discharge to the San Francisco bay.

Sulfur Recovery Loading Rack

Sulfur Recovery Loading Rack


Project Value: $5 Million


Civil construction of eight new concrete foundations and one loading rack foundation, to facilitate erection of structural steel and installation of mechanical piping to support the new loading rack and its necessary pumps, structures and amenities.

  • Project Specialties
  • Pile Driving
  • Excavation
  • Grading
  • Underground
  • Electrical
  • Masonry
  • Paving
  • Structural Steel
  • Mechanical Piping


Maintaining unimpeded access to the current loading rack while completing civil/structural, mechanical and piping installation for the replacement sulfur truck loading rack to increase the truck loading capacity and improve safety.


By coordinating with operations and traffic plans during the 12+ month project to off-haul sulfur at the existing loading rack, we assisted in constructing the new loading rack without impeding necessary truck traffic.

Project Success

The new rack and its necessary foundations were safely completed.

Pipe Support Replacement

Pipe Support Replacement Project

Pipe Support Replacement Project


Project Value: $2 Million


Civil construction to widen and increase the mass of 57 existing concrete foundations and upgrade the baseplates and structural steel on 40 bents.

  • Project Specialties
  • Excavation
  • Underground
  • Masonry
  • Structural Steel


Completing seismic repairs and upgrades to the existing Standard Road Pipe Rack that was built in the early 1970s and experienced severe damage due to corrosion at multiple beams, columns, vertical bracing and anchor bolts – all in accordance with the 2013 California Accidental Release Prevention Program Seismic Assessments and the 2016 California Building Code. We also performed voluntary modifications to the lateral-force resisting system.


Faced with difficult excavations that required abnormal shoring installation and complex layout, we noticed an unexpected large boulder that presented a hazard to perform the necessary excavation began. We helped redesign the structural upgrades and eliminate the hazard of the boulder, keeping the field crews safe during the seismic retrofit.

Project Success

Provided constructibility and value engineering for the retrofits and to the soils engineer.